On Friday Gwen, Riley and I ventured to Bristol to spend the weekend with Gwen's grandparents. To go anywhere in the country we basically always have to go through London so we took the train to London and a bus to Bristol. It was a long journey and the bus was 45 minutes late getting in to Bristol but the sunset was amazing and there were lots of big fields and sheep to look at along the way.
Once there we scarfed down some delicious home cooked food and headed over to the Tobacco Theater to see A Midsummer Night's Dream. I had never seen it before but I vaguely remember reading it in high school. The show was really really good and super funny. It was a small theater so everyone had a good view which was nice. After the play we went back and did some hardxcore sleeping.
Saturday morning brought us to the S.S. Great Britain museum! They had the actual ship and the museum was inside, around and on the deck. We experienced ship life and learned a bit of history about the ship's own life.
Later that evening, once our bellies were full to the brim, we played cards and hung out until cuddling up in our warm beds (Gwen's g-ma provided us with an electric blanket!).
After a rejuvenating slumber we awoke to a gorgeous day to play. We ate a big lunch (GrandMary made us all gain 10 pounds over the course of the weekend) and then packed up our things and headed out to explore the Downs.
Once back on campus I did the last of my ticket buying and organizing for spring break and have been laying low and doing some work since the weekend. I'm staying on campus this weekend and am actually pretty excited to just relax and enjoy being here. I leave for break a week from Friday and couldn't be more excited to get out and explore Europe! Oh, and see Mom. That'll be fun too I guess.
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